Monday, July 4, 2011

Baby Love - Catherine Anderson

Baby Love (Kendrick/Coulter ,#1)Baby Love by Catherine Anderson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Desperate and determined, Maggie Stanley grabs her small baby and runs into the snowy Idaho night. In her loneliest, blackest hour, she unexpectedly finds a warmth and comfort she has never known in the tender compassion of a handsome, down-and-out stranger. In Rafe Kendrick, Maggie recognizes a soul wounded like her own—though she knows she must never trust any man ever again.

Rafe is more than he seems—an enigmatic man of secrets who could give Maggie the moon, had he not vowed to spend his life alone. But sometimes love's flames can transform a cold world into paradise—and a man who's lost nearly everything, a woman who's forgotten how to dream, and the helpless child who needs them both can become that most wondrous creation: a family.

This book was very heartwarming and well written! The descriptions of the characters really gave you a feel for what was truly an original story!

(Summary from

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